Thursday, May 29, 2014


I have graduated! I am officially a master of music, whatever that might entail. I have purchased a new laptop, am working on consolidating my life and getting ready to...move back to Missoula! That's right, it has become obvious that staying an extra year in the states would make worlds of sense in order to save money and prepare myself for life away from family and school.

It may seem strange, but I have never lived more than nine hours from my family and my parents have been extremely kind in helping me out fiscally quite a bit and the school has kept me safe in terms of income, but I need a chance to learn how to live life as an independent adult and I would rather do that in a relatively familiar setting before heading abroad. To quell any concerns, I do still intend to make the voyage across the pond, but not as soon as originally planned.

This gives me a chance to continue to grow the relationships with teachers I had begun in Missoula and keep students on in order to maintain that growth, as well as personal growth with my own mentor and teacher. However, I now have to look for a real-life job and figure out where I'm going to live. Thusly, as a good Seattlite, I have applied to Starbucks and plan to also apply to Costco, as both are great to their employees and have travel abilities (Starbucks more so).

This Summer I am working as a music director for a 3rd-6th grade musical theatre camp at Studio East in Kirkland, WA, as well as doing some coaching and working at my old stand-by and favorite place on Earth, Build-A-Bear Workshop. This will give me time to practice and work up my Met Auditions packet for the coming year as well as work on writing my opera, which will (hopefully) be workshopped and premiered at the University of Montana next year. More word on that later.

That's about it for now. I will keep you updated as my life progresses.